
Otava Group’s sustainability report

Exited about the world

Otava is a family company that has been in business for more than 130 years. Even Finland seems young by comparison. We have lived and grown in step with Finnish culture, become excited about phenomena and people, and shown the way for development. And we have done our part in building Finland’s magnificent school system with our textbooks, which are familiar to all Finns.

Due to our long traditions, we have a great responsibility to set an example with our operations. For instance, we respond to and prepare for changes – and guide them. Otava’s publication policy has always been based on diversity, open-mindedness and tolerance.

We set high goals for ourselves – and work together with open minds.

Proudly professional

In the midst of media transformation, some seek easy wins by doing the work faster, cheaper and superficially. In our field, this can be seen in clickbait journalism and dashed-off throwaway culture, for instance.

As the leading Finnish producer of cultural content, we do not want to become involved in such second-rate business. We owe that to the people who turn to our publications for joy in their everyday lives, building blocks for their view of the world and intellectual growth. Furthermore, we cannot betray the writers who have chosen us to bring the fruits of their passion into the world, or the giants of culture on whose shoulders Otava has been built.

That is why we create all our content with passion and professionalism, whether the aim is to share information, shed light on new perspectives or provide enjoyment.

Otava <3 nature

We want to leave the world in good condition for future generations – and are committed to the continuous monitoring and development of our environmental efforts. We work to reduce our environmental impacts and communicate openly about our environmental efforts. We know that the actions of a company of our size have great significance.

The key aspects of our environmental responsibility:

  • Good environmental management at our own business locations and in day-to-day work
  • Paper consumption and procurement
  • Energy efficiency of products

Examples of environmental responsibility actions:

  • The Group prints all its books and magazines at presses that have the right to use the Nordic Ecolabel. The Ecolabel is displayed on our products.
  • The Otava Group switched over to ecolabelled electricity, ECOenergy, in 2015.
  • We support taking personal responsibility: we have compiled a Little Green Guidebook for Otava employees.

We are all Otava

Professional and committed employees are behind Otava’s success. That’s why we focus on people first, not numbers, and want to be a fair employer – the kind that we want to work for.

We are a family company in more than just the traditional meaning of the term. Everything begins with stories and creators. We employ a large group of great people – each of them deserves the right to work in peace, pursue self-improvement and earn praise. All Otava employees do their part in making this possible.

We provide our employees with a fair, equal and safe working environment. As a responsible employer, we want to be flexible and supportive.

We understand that our employees have a life and passions outside of work, too. We give them the time they need to pursue self-improvement, have a child or see the world – those are all equally valid reasons.

Fair and Finnish

We also want to be a responsible corporate citizen and partner. We are fair to our customers, subcontractors and competitors. The Otava Group has drafted ethical guidelines for all Otava employees and those who work with us.

We combine reliability with enthusiasm and the ability to create something new. We are a forward-looking partner that provides fertile ground for new ideas. We work together and set our sights high.

Otava and the Key Flag symbol – granted to products made in Finland – are a great fit for each other. We use domestic, responsibly produced paper and produce most of our books in Keuruu. In addition, we seek to use Finnish service providers, which has a positive effect on employment. Finland is a small country and in order to thrive we must all pull together.

One of the Group’s most traditional charities is the Kotiliesi Godparent Club, established in 1938. We also support Save the Children, with which Suomalainen Kirjakauppa has worked for 15 years now. Otava Publishing Company has developed its own support campaign with Save the Children – Hooray for Children! Otava has also made donations to the New Children’s Hospital and, with the Otava Book Foundation, to University of Arts Helsinki..

Fiscally responsible and with heart

In order to run smoothly and responsibly, our operations must also be financially healthy. Accordingly, the Otava Group’s financial responsibility is based on profitable operations that ensure continuity and safeguard both investments and jobs. As a family company, we do not seek quick profits, but long-term profitability.

Our principle is that our business must benefit Finnish society. For instance, we ensure that the Otava Group pays its taxes in Finland. We uphold the same principle in our subcontractor relationships.

Culture is the number one

Every manuscript that we receive is a new world – and finalising it for publication is an adventure of its own. Contributing to the development of culture provides great joy.

Our editors introduce us to fresh perspectives on the world every day. And how wonderful it feels to hand over new educational materials to schools when you know that you have given the work everything you have – Finland’s young minds deserve our best efforts. We love our work.